I personally think this is a terrible buy. Not because the EVs aren't a good idea, but because it is taxpayer money subsidizing competition to the private sector. Even in this article they admit one need of the new trucks is so the USPS can carry more parcels. The parcel business is already 100% covered by many private companies. It's not "mail" IMO. So they make it easier to undercut FedEx, UPS, and others who have to buy their own trucks. Why shouldn't FedEx and UPS get 4-6 billion each to electrify their fleets? Then it also is bad for mainstreet business. It just makes it easier for Amazon, and big mail order or, to get lower and lower shipping rates to put more and more mom and pop shops out of business. If they had to foot the real cost of delivering a 40 pound bag of dog food to your door, few people would pay double the price of the object when you had to consider shipping. They would just make a weekly or monthly trip and buy a whole careful of products rather than shipping them one, by one, day after day. It's bad ecologically as well.