Thread: Fracking ban.
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Old 11-07-2021, 05:37 PM   #107 (permalink)
oil pan 4
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Originally Posted by some_other_dave View Post
I think the fracking ban is generally more tied into the stuff that wound up contaminating the water table, rather than utopian EV dreams.
That's only been confirmed to happen in 1 gas formation in 1 area. And that's why the oil and gas industry does not frack shallow gas beds any more. I don't think they fracking anything less than a mile down now. I haven't heard of anything less than 7,000 feet being fracked.
There have been between 1 million and 2 million fracking jobs preformed in the US, only the shallow gas bed in montana contaminated wells.
Because you know if a fracking job contaminated a well anywhere the news would run the story 24/7 until something else grabbed their attention.
And that's why they have to pretend like what happened in montana is what always happens everywhere. When the reality is at the height of the fracking boom over 100 wells a day were being fracked and you never heard a peep about anything bad happening.
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