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Old 11-17-2021, 01:56 PM   #96 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
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Originally Posted by JSH View Post
Shopping update.

I almost convinced myself to buy a Equinox. I had one again for two weeks for a business trip and got 33 mpg in mostly suburban driving. I've spent at least a month in one as a rental - I like the car and it is a practical replacement for the VW. I got so far as test driving one last night that I would have likely bought except after the test drive I noticed it was FWD not AWD as I thought. $31,000 - way more than I was planning but it was a top trim car and why not - we can afford it.

Then I got home and thought about it and said to myself - If you willing to spend $30K why not just get the car you wanted when you turned the Spark EV in but were too cheap to buy - a Chevy Bolt.

A local dealer that specializes in EVs has 8 on the lot ranging from 2017 to 2021. They are closed today but I'll swing buy tomorrow and very likely drive one home. I missed the bottom of the market on a Bolt but I really don't expect them to drop in price now that GM is replacing every battery pack with a new one, with a new 8 year warranty, and 8% more range.

Car shopping as become more pressing as the Astro van is out of commission. I have a new driveshaft on order but no delivery date yet. I'm still working from home due to a COVID quarantine but that will end tomorrow. (I picked up COVID on the above business trip to an assembly plant that takes no COVID precautions and spend 10 days quarantined in a hotel)

From Bolt Prices from Car Guru:

The Bolt seems like an awesome vehicle, except they are not making them right now due to car fires. This is quite a bummer as ALL Bolt owners are being told to not park in a garage or near any other cars and not charging to 100% as GM hasn't figured out a solution yet. So sadly, if you buy a Bolt you are at risk of it just suddenly going up in flames. I'm not sure what the actual chances are, but it seems it doesn't matter what year of Bolt, they have the potential of spontaneously burning themselves down.
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