Don't be ridiculous! They didn't tell me to leave town! I just didn't want to wait for the place in their network to be available!
I printed out directions. I figured that if the highway patrol stopped me I would show them I was driving straight to the body shop. However, I missed a turn and drove through a random neighborhood. My low-fuel light came on and I posted on Facebook "Xist is low on gas in his wrecked car and honestly doesn't know if he will reach his destination. Is this the excitement that Domestic drivers enjoy everyday?"
Once I got my estimate I tried to figure out the timeline and I saw something indicating that if I choose my own shop then I need to pay and they will reimburse me.
Apparently companies are prohibited from telling us where to go, but it is faster and easier to go in-network. I mentioned this to my insurance friend and she responded "In network is quicker and easier for everyone. If you go out of network and they charge you $5k but a network shop would have done it for $4k you’d pay the `extra' $1k."
The estimate is $5,100. He said he doesn't know what USAA will decide. It was getting dark and I only have one headlight. I found a nearby place for gas and then a nearby hotel. I asked USAA what the timeline is.
I hope they make a decision soon--ideally while I am in-town, although I keep wondering what they will say if they decide to total my car. "Hey, come give us your car, and don't have any way to get home!"?
I found a pick-and-pull that allegedly has 9 Camries with headlights. I doubt that anything sitting in the sun for years looks as nice as mine was, but I can polish it, and then use clear coat.
I also need to see which similar Accords they have so I can replace the hood insulation.
My friend asked "Are you not going to wait and see what USAA does before buying anything?"
I need a car with lights and turn signals.
When I got to my hotel room I tried to find a place within walking distance to grab dinner, but Google kept trying to show me expensive places. When I found places that looked affordable I couldn't find a menu. I had too many things to figure out, so I went to DoorDash. They were supposed to deliver Jimmy John's within 20 minutes, but everywhere else was supposed to take an hour or longer.
I couldn't find a valid coupon code, so I spent $30 for a sandwich, and then it didn't arrive for almost an hour.
After a while I walked to a nearby grocery store for dessert and something for breakfast in case the hotel fails me as they always do.
Jimmy John's is a couple hundred feet away.
Why did it take almost an hour to cross the street with it?!
Fix Auto says that it will take 5 days to repair my car. Is that how long it will take to get the parts or actual labor days?
Bumper cover: $146
Styrofoam: 62. Mine seems fine.
Reinforcement beam: 166. Mine has a dent in the middle. Oh no!

Upper reinforcement: 35. One of the brackets that I need to replace.
Outer reinforcement: 40. That's the other one!
Bumper cover support: 25. Maybe I should get this one!
Headlamp: 133
Radiator support +25%: 368.75. 9.2 hours of labor!
Hood +25%: 343.75
Hinges: 92.50
Grille: 203
Windshield washer reservoir +25%: 56.25. I have one sitting in the garage!
Parts: $1,694.25
Body labor: 1,728
Paint labor: 942
Paint supplies: 596
Miscellaneous: 5
Subtotal: 4,965.85
Tax: 184.41
Grand total: $5,150.26
He said he doesn't know what USAA will decide.
Someone is asking
$5,500 for this 2004 Camry with 126,000 miles. The paint looks great!
2003 Camry with 163,000 miles for $3,500, but they posted 2 weeks ago.
2004 with 168k for $4,000
2003 with 160,000 miles for $3,450
2002 with only 130k, but they are asking $6,850!
2003 with 130,000 for $2,900! It is in Yuma, though. That is 3 hours away--in the wrong direction!
Then there is this one. It is the same color as mine, with the same bad paint on the hood and probably the roof and trunk. It has a quarter million miles and cracked-leather seats!
So, there are 3 for $3,450-4,000 with 160-168k.
I paid $3,200 for one with 199k.