Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
As long as a vaccine had been properly tested, complying to all the safety protocols and only with volunteers instead of the attempts to get everyone taking a shot with no safety records, I would be favorable. Well, if I were willing to try those experimental vaccines, I'd rather try the Russian one instead of the Chinese stuff.
Such individuals divide their countries and make an easier path for Mao Zedong worshippers to conquer.
Since I bend towards liberty, I expect people to take more responsibility for their health rather than have Big Brother dictating how large their soda can be. To that end, people should have the right to take an experimental therapy so long as they are given the best information available at the time. Heck, we let people sell crystals and copper bracelets as therapies without any regulation, which would be devastating for someone if they used it to treat cancer, for example.
Anyone that thinks someone must or must not take any particular therapy is simply wrong and has corrupt thinking. If the state gets to dictate these things then we are not individuals who have responsibility to ourselves, but slaves responsible to a few powerful political elites.
Agree with your statement regarding march towards communism, but it's occurring from both US political parties. Having a left or right authoritarian state is about equally murderous in my estimation. People are happy to give up responsibility (liberty) on both sides to simplify their decisions. They can then angrily point a finger at some political party rather than take responsibility for their own personal failure.