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Old 11-20-2021, 08:23 PM   #18 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
High Altitude Hybrid
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Diesels can be "tuned" by adjusting the injection timing as it happens before TDC like the spark ignition in a car. The effects are similar.

Regen burning isn't always provided by a fuel injector in the exhaust. The fuel can be added to the exhaust through the engine's injectors if they are activated during the exhaust stroke.

Diesels tend to be more efficient than gassers at low loads due to lack of throttle. However, as far as I've researched, diesels are most efficient at full throttle. The more you spool up the turbo and the more fuel gets injected the hotter the combustion. The hotter the combustion the more energy can be extracted from it.

There is no throttle so adding EGR doesn't help efficiency like in a gasser, because in a gasser the EGR allows the throttle to be open more.

The only reason to run rich is to "roll coal". Even at full throttle diesels don't reach stoichiometric because there's no good way of completely mixing all the fuel into the air and you wouldn't gain any power as a result.

Even without EGR, a diesel will normally run cooler than a gasser even at full throttle because they run lean enough that the extra air is effectively an inert gas just like exhaust gas is.
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