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Old 11-24-2021, 09:06 PM   #104 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
....where the stores won't take it back when the bottom drops out of the resale market.

JSH -- I started shopping at a Grocery Outlet just after Y2K, and they had food packed in Nitrogen. By the time I figured out how stuff sells through it was gone.

How is the water stored? I'd be faced with a monotonous diet of Chicken and Dumpling soup instead of beans.
The water is stored in a combination of ways. I have 48 liters of bottled water. (That was the first water purchased when I first heard Oregon has earthquakes and we should have a minimum of 3 days water). Then I added some 8 gallon stackable jugs. Then a 55 gallon drum. The jugs and drums I filled from the hose, added some chlorine bleach, and sealed up. Once a year I empty and refill. So far it has done fine but we have bleach to treat water, backpacking filters, and the 55 gallon drum came with a big pump filter that screws into the bung. In the rainy season we would be fine just collecting water off the roof. In the dry season we have a river about a mile away.

For food we just have regular everyday staples that we eat all the time: Rice, dried beans, pasta, flour, oil, quinoa, canned tomatoes and tomato paste to make pasta sauce, canned meat, etc. I do a first in / first out and rotate stock. Store to shed, shed to pantry, pantry to table.

This is all stored in a 20x10 foot shed that will double as emergency shelter if the house burns from severed gas lines. It will also be much easier to heat a 200 sq ft shed than a 1000 sq ft house with no windows. The shed has solar for lights and we have solar on the campervan as well so power won't be an issue and we have a fridge / freezer in the van as well.

I store my inflatable kayak at work under my desk so I have a way to cross the Willamette River and I also keep my folding bicycle there. I take my inReach satellite messenger hooked to my work back so I have communication when the cell phone towers go down.

Very little was actually purchased just in case, it is just staging what I already have strategically.

Last edited by JSH; 11-24-2021 at 09:11 PM..
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