Carbon - 14 event
Since I'm on the computer, I went ahead and looked.
* Carbon-14 is created when cosmic particles interact with Nitrogen-14 in the upper reaches of the atmosphere.
* Earth's magnetosphere typically shields us from most cosmic radiation.
* S-O's predicted geomagnetic meandering, reversal, return, whatever, very soon to happen, will expose Earth to increased cosmic radiation.
* Which will increase Carbon-14.
* Geomagnetic reversals have never been associated with any radio-isotopic evidence for extinction events, but that hasn't stopped S-O from claiming to the contrary.
* If we have a truly super-flare event, there won't be anyone around to talk about it.
* If we have another Carrington-like event, we'll need lots of replacement transformers, and crews to swap them out.
* We'll probably lose some satellites, electronic communications capability, along with GPS.
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