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Old 10-08-2008, 08:22 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: Fredonia, NY
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Boxy Brown - '04 Scion xB
90 day: 35.48 mpg (US)
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At one time, my brother had a 95 Ranger, and I had a 95 Sonoma (S10 clone), both RWD/4cyl/5spd, and both of us managed mid-20s in town, and low-30s on the highway, without any particular effort (i.e., pre-hypermiling).

As has already been stated, it's not hard to get fantastic efficiency out of one of those little trucks, and being able to haul stuff is really handy (unless you're a college student, in which case people that you don't even like will rope you into moving their junk).
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