Have you not read John Mitchell?
In 1970, Michell founded the Anti-Metrification Board to oppose the adoption of the metric system of measurement in the United Kingdom. Believing that the established imperial system of measurement had both ancient and sacred origins, through the Board he brought out a newsletter, Just Measure.[50] In 1972 he published the first of his "Radical Traditionalist Papers", A Defence of Sacred Measures, in which he laid out his opposition to the metric system.[50]
1 Metrication
2 Technical arguments
2.1 Natural evolution and human scale
2.2 Divisibility
2.3 Duplication in naming and usage
2.4 Industry-specific product sizing
3 Political arguments
3.1 Tradition
3.2 Government compulsion
3.3 High modernism and legibility
3.4 Price inflation
4 See also
[not responsible for vBulletin disrespecting clarifying spaces]
Based by the French on a mistaken geodesy
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
Last edited by freebeard; 12-24-2021 at 02:28 PM..