Originally Posted by ldjessee00
On the Cybertruck forum, there has been lots of talk about a battery pack on a trailer, even motor for regen and drive capability...
I am not a fan of the trailer providing motive power, but I am a fan of regen, especially down hill.
I think for the ultimate aerodynamics some kind of physical aerodynamic 'bridge' between the tractor and the trailer makes sense... but I think low hanging fruit would just be making the trailer fit as much as possible into the wake of the tractor.
If the trailer was narrower and as close to the height as possible than the tractor that would be something more easily achieved without recreating a lorica segmentata for towing.
* Since range anxiety appears to freak so many out, one argument which resonates with me is, the concept of non-stop driving to the overnight destination, once leaving home. And vice-versa for the return trip. Recharging at the campsite. Low stress on holiday.