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Old 12-30-2021, 02:37 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Nothing in your list precludes the phenomenom. 1) defines it away.

The classic scenario of feeding off a binary star companion is being extended to dust swept up from the interstellar medium.
1) my source is Howard E. Bond, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, and Proceedings of the Frascati Workshop, Vulcan Island, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, aimed at a specialist audience.
2) the Sun is a main sequence star, not a binary, not a supermassive.
3) the Sun is held together by hydrostatic equilibrium.
4) nearing the end of its life, the Sun will experience expansion into a distended asymtotic-giant branch ( AGB ) star, in about 5-billion years.
5) the Sun will suddenly eject its outer layers, evolving into a proto-planetary-nebula phase.
6) the Sun's remnant core will rapidly evolve to very high surface temperature, emitting such intense UV radiation that the ejected envelope will heat to flourescence, producing a planetary nebula ( PN ).
7) as of 1989, there were 1250 known PN in the Milky Way.
8) a main sequence star remnant core is of such insufficient mass that it cannot become a neutron star or a black hole.
9) Perhaps S-O has mentioned the Russell-Vogt Theorem of mass-equilibrium limit.
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