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Old 01-06-2022, 12:26 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ecky View Post
Nice, my Insight's is a K24A(2) as well.

I found my setup on eBay, waiting until there was one for a reasonable price. Mine had both hoses, the longer oil filter stud, and one of the elbows, but was missing one, so I got the missing elbow from Honda. The housing I paid $35ish for from some other source, and I used a higher quality RockAuto water pump. I probably spent more like $150-160 in total tbh but I think $120 is likely possible. The worse part of the entire install was getting the oil filter stud off because there's noting to grab onto it with.

I don't have any hard data on how well it works. My water temperature seems better buffered after installing it so it seems to be doing something. More than anything I was looking to warm my oil up more quickly on colder days, and it definitely achieves that. All of Honda's lean burn engines have these installed (even the Insight 3 cylinder) and I suspect they're more meant to get oil up to temperature rather than down, during typical driving.

Depending on what alternator you're using, you might need a stack of washers because the post lengths are different between RSX and TSX.
That's an awesome deal! Can't believe how much people are charging for used parts, often times almost as much as/more than new OEM parts. As for the housing, I know the 06-11 Civic Si housing is compatible with the K24 alternator but the RSX alternator is a bit different as you said.

I think you are right about the oil cooler heating the oil up more than cooling it. When I installed an oil temp gauge on my 05 Civic I was shocked to see how long it takes for the oil to heat up especially in cooler weather. Sometimes it refused to get any warmer than about 150 degrees and sometimes took 30+ miles of driving to get that warm. In the summer, the oil temp maxed out at around 200-210 degrees during sustained high speed cruising. But since I installed a huge 30 plate oil to coolant heat exchanger setup, the oil temp is much more stable and now always ends up at around 180-185 degrees regardless of outside temp. Temp measurements will be required to decide whether to get the OEM style cooler or a more elaborate setup like I have on the 05.

But from what I have read, the K24 will likely heat the oil up faster/hotter than the D17 does since it has piston cooling jets, so the oil is always being directly sprayed at the underside of the hot pistons.
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