Originally Posted by freebeard
Ping aerohead. I invite your attention to this:
If you don't want to watch the video start and pause it and open the transcript. Best comment:
Other comments suggest piling more snow on your car to make a snow cave and have survival candles and wooden matches in the glove box.
I changed my sig line too soon, XKCD said stats are a farce and truth is unknowable. So -- this story: 21 Tourists Stuck In Cars Die After Being Trapped By Snow In Pakistan does not prove an Ice Age is on the way.
1) I watched it in it's entirety.
2) My eyes were glazing over at about 10-minutes.
3) The presentation is so dense with information, breaking it into 3- 4+ minute 'bites' would have worked better for me.
4) The General Circulation Models are for 'global' climate, so any regional or local forecasting is beyond their operational environment.
5) She's correct in that it's all statistical analysis.
6) Probabilities within the context of their operational definition.
7) The general public is innumerate.' People simply don't understand science and they don't understand numbers. And so that creates an environment where people can be grossly misinformed and think they are informed.' Robert Bryce, 'Power Hungry'
8) The general public does not possess critical thinking skills.' Trees cause more pollution than do automobiles.' President Ronald Reagan
9) ' Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?' Ronald Reagan, campaign speech, 1980.
10) snow cave is a good idea, they stay 32-degrees inside.
11) candles ditto.
12) matches, sleeping bag, high calorie snacks, water, etc.
I ran out of gas at 4:50 AM this morning, in an unfamiliar vehicle. It was 32-F. I was dressed for the weather. Walked home a mile and a half. Waited for my neighbor to rise and eat. He took me to hydrocarbon nirvana for fuel. I finally made it to town at a quarter to nine. I always dress as if I might experience a breakdown. Hope everyone else does too.
As to severe weather:
A) Polar warming affects the polar vortex.
B) The polar vortex affects the Jet Stream.
C) The Jet Stream is responsible for weather.
D) Warm moist air from equatorial oceans feed hurricanes, mesocyclones, tornadoes, atmospheric rivers, bombogenesis storms, etc..
E) Rain turns snow to ice.
F) Ice is darker than snow.
G) Ice absorbs more solar energy than snow.
H) Water is darker than ice.
I) One pound of 32F ice turns into one pound of 32F water, with 144-Btu
J) One pound of 32F water, plus 144-Btu = one pound of water @ 176F.
One can get a sense of the devil's arithmetic