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Old 01-14-2022, 02:55 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Piotrsko View Post
The man doesn't care, it's the prejudicial nimby's that worry about "property values" that do, then whine excessively to the city officials until they get what they want. BTDTMO

Those blades are pretty much garbage, not worth even the recycling value of the salvage materials in them. Might be stronger than a 2x4 or a sheet of 1/2" mushboard, though. Sticking them together and making the subsequent structure waterproof would be expensive, getting them somewhere else would be supremely pricey, processing them onsite to fit standard shipping requires big exotic equipment like removing a middle apartment in a 20 story complex. They arent flat or straight to commercial standards anywhere.

Like JSH, my retirement plans were pretty much in place, lifestyle altered. Only thing I would do differently would be relocate to somewhere less covid infested. Couple of million more doesn't make me any difference, just leaves more for the kids to inherit.
No need to stick them to anything at 20’ wide by 30’+ long…

Just chop them into 30’+ sections and set them in a circle building a pilon house
Composite Blades are very high R value, fill vertical gaps with custom cut, wood, glass, transparent plastic, spray foam, cement, whatever your fancy, leave the roof with a high overhang, waterproofing no longer critical insulation only required in the gaps formed by the twisting spires.
Considering the full blades will support about 10 ton each in compression at the base (even at their reduced strength) there should be little issue using them in place of as you said 2x4’s except they are 10-40’ wide instead of 4”
If 10 ton isn’t enough they are hollow, run some long strips of rebar and fill with cement , the fiberglass blade skin is anywhere from r20-r60 depending on how thick and close to the base you are

Outdoor non-waterproof park enclosures would likely be well served by a polin structure with a roof.

My thought was set in the ground as pillons they would make excellent highway barriers and walls in place of that ugly ass Rotted brown crap that is along every city bound highway

Last edited by rmay635703; 01-14-2022 at 03:10 PM..
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