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Old 01-14-2022, 09:55 PM   #52 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Chorizo - '00 Honda Civic HX, baby! :D
90 day: 35.35 mpg (US)

Mid-Life Crisis Fighter - '99 Honda Accord LX
90 day: 34.2 mpg (US)

Gramps - '04 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 35.39 mpg (US)

Don't hit me bro - '05 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 30.49 mpg (US)
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Haven't I been making Camry updates in other threads?

Crazy J straightened out a bunch of stuff under the hood, but now there is a huge gap between the fender and the hood, so now my car looks worse.

I believe this is the core support right after the accident:

I did some pulling with a tree and my giant cargo strap:

Better, but not great:

I did some straightening with the angle iron and some C-clamps as well as a vise.

Yes, a vise:

Crazy J used spray paint?

While Crazy J straightened everything under the hood, the fender twisted outward, creating a big gap, so the professional made my car look worse.


I think that I need to figure out how to attach the inside edge of the fender to a long angle iron and then pull the whole thing with the tree and my giant cargo strap.

Come on!

I can't just drive around with Tesla-sized panel gaps!

I thought that it just needed a little more work, but he billed me for 4 hours, and kept talking about how much he needed to straighten under the hood.

Who thinks that was the important part?!

He said that he needed to remove my radiator to activate the realistic straightening action, which made it a much bigger deal.

It would have been cheaper to tow my car there and have him install the radiator?

I keep telling people what I need to do with this car and then forgetting the next time, so I keep wondering if I remember everything.

Crazy J didn't want that core support to rust, so he spray-painted it. I don't want it to rust, either, but I am going to have an automotive paint shop in Mesa mix me a can, and start touching up parts with that, like the core support.

Crazy J and I established a week ago that it would be better to replace the core supports, but he would need to remove the spot welds and spot-weld the new piece in place.

However, today he said that he would have charged me the same amount for it.

I ran across the full radiator support when I was trying to figure out which bolts I was missing.

It turned out they were the ones in the little bag in the garage.

Anyway, the body shop said they needed to replace this:

The whole thing is spot-welded together and spot-welded to the rest of the car.

The red arrows are the core supports that Crazy J and I straightened and Toyota sells the radiator support for $700, but I found an aftermarket one for $168, although it was $138 when I first found it.

That doesn't have any of the brackets that I already replaced!

RockAuto has it for $56, but shipping would be $313!

I realized there was another bent bracket, so I bent it back. I thought that it looked fine, but Crazy J removed it saying that it was too bent and if he straightened it it would break, and he would need to weld it back together, so now I need to figure out what that part is.


It is the Bumper Cover Support Rail (Right, Front). It is $20-30 from Toyota or $8 on eBay, but 2 pins with heads are spot-welded to the back. They are a little over $1 from a dealership, but I would need to order them from the local place to avoid $11.10 in shipping!

Then I would need to pay Crazy J [or some welder] to do 4 spot welds for a part that I can totally install myself easily.

He realized that the driver's-side headlight is missing a clip, so it wobbles. I cannot find it on a parts diagram. I will get back to that, but here it is:

I need to reinstall the splash guard, shine and clear-coat the headlight, replace the shocks, and finish repairing the dent in the trunk lid.

I don't need to do all of that before I have my vehicle inspected, but I should replace the shocks before I drive this car regularly:

I believe the car will cost $920 to buy back from insurance.
$200 for used parts.
140 for a radiator
240 to have Crazy J create a body gap
Several hundred dollars in Pixie sticks that I needed just to get out of bed this morning.
Someone is going to figure out how to support their narrative. It may not make sense to the rest of us, but they will do it.
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"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4

Last edited by Xist; 01-14-2022 at 11:39 PM..
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