Apple plowed new ground with the Human Interface Guidlines in 1984. I had a copy. It instantiated things like select regions and round cornered rectangles.
But it was a high-water mark. Apple started breaking it's own guidelines, with things like the "Are you sure" message on Shutdown. Just to coddle Windows refugees.
I've never had a smartphone. I did have an iPod Touch after the Newton, but I took it out in public and it was stolen.
What do all y'all think about the PinePhone?
The PinePhone is a smartphone developed by Hong Kong-based computer manufacturer Pine64, intended to allow the user to have full control over the device. Measures to ensure this are: running mainline Linux-based mobile operating systems, assembling the phone with screws, simplifying the disassembly for repairs and upgrades, and providing six kill switches/security switches for components of its hardware. Wikipedia
The part about Hong Kong raises concerns for me, but then my Ender 3 came from Shenzhen, China.