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Old 10-09-2008, 07:50 AM   #7 (permalink)
Old Retired R&D Dude
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"Whitey" Bulger - '14 Toyota RAV4 LE
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Originally Posted by crexcrex View Post
One can easily note that there is a roof rack in place not to mention the extra weight, i would think that eliminating the drag from the turret might be an idea.
The rear spare, how many pounds are there bieng given a free ride plus the wind turbulence the spare causes.

Mods may well be fine and dandy but i do think that the obvious is bieng overlooked............

I am only expressing a opinion that you may well dismiss as bieng trivial, mods are great as long as one does not overlook the obvious
You are the 47th person to tell me about the roof racks. Yes, I've known about roof rack drag since I got my first set (removable) back in the late 60s.
But, these aren't easily removable and they get used about 8 times a year.
So, I'm going to be keeping these a while longer. They will only come off as a last resort. (If I can't hit 35 MPG)!

I'm not so sure about the spare tire. Since AAA has sold out to big-oil and gone anti-hypermiler, I've decided to dump them.
That makes the decision to haul a spare a little harder.
Add to that, I'm not so sure it adds to the drag or not. (without testing).
It may actually be helping the cd with a little boat-tail effect..

Sure, I could live without that extra weight! I think that's where I would
see a nice gain in MPG..

Current ride: 2014 RAV4 LE AWD (24 MPG)

Wife's Pizza Transporter
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