1) I took the Cybertruck blueprint and sectioned the drawing, to allow the body to be lowered to the 8-inch ground clearance, as it would ride at on the highway.
2) After scaling the overall height to that of all my light -table contours, I made the comparisons.
3) Whether Luc Donkerwolke knows it or not, Cybertruck, from its roof apex, to its upper trailing edge, fits one of Koenig-Fachsenfeld's patented / Dr. Kamm, 1930s FKFS K-form contours exactly, with the exception of the captured separation bubble which travels along with Cybertruck.
4) This contour is found in Bild 112, page 48, of AERODYNAMIK DES KRAFTFAHRZEUGS, by Freiherr Reinhard Koenig-Fachsenfeld, self-published, 1951.
5) Extrapolating the contour out to its conclusion, the long-tail Cybertruck terminates at a length of 305.68-inches.
6) 37.08% forebody.
7) 62.92% aft-body.
8) Making it the ichtyoid (fishlike) form found all over nature.
9) At 8-inch ground clearance, mirror-image yields a length / 'diameter' = 2.281:1 ratio.
10) With the wheels removed, and in ground reflection, the L/D = 2.59:1, near the ideal low drag minimum for a body of revolution.
11) A 73.98-inch boat-tail would drop Cybertruck close to its theoretical drag minimum. Which could be a simple inflated structure, for highway only.
12) It's all pre-engineered, and wind-tunnel tested.