Originally Posted by oil pan 4
None of the other eruptions in 2021 came anywhere close to this. I believe the biggest one only put ash up to around 50,000 feet and was a weak VEI 4, 0.3km cubed ejected. Mt st. Helens was also a vei 4 but it was a strong 4, sending up at least 1km cubed.
Jan 15 was at least a 5 and it was big. It was heard by ear further away than krakatoa 1883 which was a vei 6.
The only thing they are sure about is no one has ever seen one this big with a satellite.
Krakatoa, in 1883 was rated @ 50-terragrams of aerosols.
Mt. Tambora, Spring,1815, launched 100-terragrams.By Fall, 1815, Earth had cooled by 2-F.
In 1950, there was a worldwide increase in explosive, cataclysmic eruptions.
1963's Mount Agung explosive eruption reduced surface solar energy by 1.6% - to 2 %, allowing snow all the way to the equator.
Electrostatic levitation can carry material into the ionosphere, and Earth can experience global cooling for 4-years ( Pinatubo January 1991, 30-terragrams ) before it all rains out.
When water in the magma rises, it depressurizes, allowing the liquid-to-vapor phase reaction, with a 1,000% expansion via wet steam. This is the 'explosion.'