I was about to go to bed when I saw his video about pressurizing aerosol cans. You just press a valve stem over the tube on top, pressurize it to 90-100 PSI, and restore the cap.
it will be enough to get the rest out of the can.
If you want to completely refill the can you remove the labels and inspect. If it maintains full structural integrity completely empty it, burn off the rubber from a valve stem, cut a hole in the top, fill the little depression with water, and solder the stem to the top. Then you remove the valve stem, slide in a tube, and fill it with whatever you want while pressing down on the cap. Then restore the valve stem and pressurize.
He showed how to fix cracks in a dash. He trimmed the vinyl around the damage at an angle, dug out the foam under the edges, packed with Bondo, sanded, primed, and painted.
Right! The sawdust rocket stove!
He got a metal bucket and a couple of pipes 2-3" in diameter. He cut a hole in the side slightly larger than the pipe, slide the pipe half the diameter past the center, and held the second pipe vertical, roughly making an L-shape.
Then, while you hold the 2 pipes you pack in sawdust as tightly as you can, remove the pipes, and just light the intake!