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Old 01-18-2022, 02:04 PM   #39 (permalink)
Somewhat crazed
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Aircraft generally are required to be disassembled and fixed every so often, so moving parts aren't that old. Spars and skins don't normally fail. 30,000 hrs isn't uncommon.

You can yaw a turbine 90 degrees to the wind which derates the loading significantly and takes a couple of minutes and there's a huge blade brake for maintenance

The lightning strikes taking out a blade was survivable for the tower, not so much for the transmission or hub. The after fire wasn't survivable however. My wife jokes about thunderstorms and wind farms: "Pick me, pick me, pick me!"
casual notes from the underground:There are some "experts" out there that in reality don't have a clue as to what they are doing.

Last edited by Piotrsko; 01-18-2022 at 03:58 PM..
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