Originally Posted by Piotrsko
how do you intend to accurately measure fuel burn? The sensors I have seen seem to be +/- 20% and most demonstrators use a precisely calibrated fuel container and weigh the fuel at a controlled temperature
I suppose if you have a calibrated fuel flow map for injectors, accurate pressure measurement and record of the controller output, you could use that, maybe.
I use the following: A MPGunio, a ScanguageII and runs from Phoenix, AZ to Blythe, CA is 150 miles (241 km). a 02 hours 20 minutes drive by car.
So a fullup to three kick offs by the gas pump handle, and then doing the math.
A full test would be a round trip both ways and a return to the very same pump.
As I am only interested in broad strokes not each 1/10th of a MPG, more in rather I am seeing 5 to 15 MPG changes these are accurate enough for my needs.
Once I am sure my Two MPG gauges are reading close and just about the same as the road trip, I can do short runs up and down I17 near my home working to get a good improvement and if one really shows up, I can do the run from Phoenix, AZ to Blythe, CA to really prove it.