Welcome. As Timothy Leary said "Find the others".
You have one of the nicer velomobili here, you'll find a lot of Coroplast.
Will you be documenting your own progress or looking for suggestions from others? I think it needs some sort of fish tail. Are you limited by regulation or weight?
cRiPpLe_rOoStEr may not see many; OTOH tadpoles are not uncommon here, mostly ICE and electric, being as the Arcimoto factory is on the other side of town. Back in the day, there was an Electrathon racing series.
For a body shell, I favor stitch and glue kayak construction. I have the geometry sized to the Arcimoto FUV but it is morphable into any fineness ratio. I have a reservation number but no FUV yet.
Note the work kach22i posted in Interesting Aerodynamic Cars
at Permalink #3950. Based on that, I'm going to add skegs to my design.
One more thing... 2022-02-22 Arcimoto will introduce their Platform2. A new 'micromobility solution' in the US$2-3K price range. That should be interesting.