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Old 10-09-2008, 01:56 PM   #4 (permalink)
Ford Man
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Originally Posted by dylanu View Post

thats a pic of my gas hand and i cleared the trip odometer when i filled up and as you can see it looks like im only gonna be getting 300 or so so only 30mpg.
I dont know when it was last tuned up... could be never. i did hypermiling techniques too so should i go for the tune up? The guy said he would change the spark plugs, timing belt, air filter, fuel filter, change the oil, run tufoil and some other stuff for between 160-180 dollars altogether.
Is he going to replace the plug wires? Bad plug wires can be just as bad as bad plugs. Some people like to go ahead and change the water pump while the timing belt is off. Is that included in his price? If he does the tune up he should also check the timing. You could save yourself a little by going and buying your own plugs, plug wires, air filter, fuel filter, oil and oil filter and do the simple things yourself. You should be able to do all these things in about 1-2 hour of your time. If you are a mechanical type you should be able to change the timing belt and water pump yourself with the help of a service
manual that can be bought at an auto parts for under $20. If you don't want to change it yourself you could ask what he would charge to change it for you. That is if you want the water pump changed now.

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