Originally Posted by dylanu
[url]only 30mpg.
I dont know when it was last tuned up... could be never. i did hypermiling techniques too so should i go for the tune up? The guy said he would change the spark plugs, timing belt, air filter, fuel filter, change the oil, run tufoil and some other stuff for between 160-180 dollars altogether.
The price sounds low to me - suspiciously low - as in too good to be true. I'd expect just the timing belt alone to be $100-$160 parts and labor. Are you certain he said timing belt, not multi-rib or serpentine belt? Did you get a written estimate? (HINT HINT HINT)
With 119K on the odometer of a 18 year old car and "don't know when it was last" done,
a new timing belt is definitely in order. If that possibly 18 year old piece of rubber fails suddenly (entire possible, fairly probable if it's really that old) the engine can become non-repairable in about 0.5 seconds.
I think this is a bigger priority than the tune-up. (Spark plugs, Air Filter, Fuel Filter)
Since the water pump has to be removed in order to replace the timing belt, as others have suggested, a new water pump at the same time is an excellent idea - as opposed to 1,000 - 50,000 miles down the road with additional labor costs, possible break down, tow charge, engine damage due to overheating ... But, if you're strapped for cash, and there is no slop in the bearings of the old pump, I'd use the old one, and put the cash toward plugs and filters.
Hope this helps. Good luck.