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Old 01-31-2022, 04:41 PM   #55 (permalink)
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slope, etc.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Slope and distance are relevant factors as well, and wind speed and direction an additional variable.

As has been pointed out elsewhere, a trailer could potentially increase efficiency if it improves the overall shape to reduce turbulent air.

Obviously, the faster one travels, the more energy is expended overcoming drag forces. Whatever potential energy is available given the weight and slope of the hill can be used to overcome that drag and regen into the battery. Go faster, and you get less back. Set the car to neutral, and 100% of that energy goes into overcoming drag.

The most I've ever regenerated was about 3 kWh, which brought my Prius from empty to full charge while descending from Yosemite.
1) Power to overcome climbing resistance on a 2% grade @ 80-mph
2) Equals that at about 52-mph on a 3% grade
3) 40-mph on a 4% grade
4) 36-mph on a 5% grade
5) 27-mph on a 6% grade
6) 22-mph on a 7% grade
7) 20-mph on a 8% grade
Wind data and air density at 20-F, 30-F, and 40F would be welcome.
EPA considers 70-F as 'Cold' as far as tire rolling resistance goes.
Full-potentiometer acceleration pulling an 8,100-pound load is a sure way to drain a pack.
Wet roads were mentioned. That's 1-mpg loss @ 55-mph. More at 60.
7-8-foot gap between load and tailgate.
The F-100 is Af 31.6 sq-ft, and Cd 0.50 with the tailgate closed, which didn't happen ( mounted a couple feet off the ground).
Spare trailer tire mounted 'flat' to the airstream makes a fine parachute.
Narrow pickup pulling very wide flatbed.
No topper to increase width or height of wake area in which trailer might have drafted.
I'll look forward to the RAM test, with a 4.485-gallon gas tank, and we'll see all about range anxiety.
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