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Old 02-02-2022, 03:26 PM   #19 (permalink)
HPV Tussie
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Originally Posted by kach22i View Post
Question, is that steep angle so the canopy can open better?
I don't know but am unsure, just because of the last of Your examples, which is the smaller of the two successors of my bike. Anyway, it would be interesting to find out about the flow with my canopy in its present stage, wouldn't it?

I also would like to get an idea why the tail i built was so much less successful than the black one (which was reported to gain some 15-20% speed increase even in its raw version).

I'll ask a second time, is more of a "lane presence" a preference? What I mean is the larger/louder the object is, the more likely someone will be aware of your presence and hopefully not run into you.
to some degree, but i do not think the reduced size of the Evo-R below will matter much. Anyway, i have to live with the size of that velomobile. And it is actually VERY visible, mostly because of its color.

Freebeard; I think a larger cowl that forms an intake is a novel idea, and I like it. Careful venting of what air enters can be narrowed into an aft air-curtain I assume.
We just have the back light at the top as a boundary condition. What would happen if i opened the space in the top of the back like here:

Another example that is not too far a stretch from the original craft (video in link).
The VM you show is the GoOne Evo-R - the 2nd successor of my model. And the developer is exactly the person who hat raced the GoOne shown above (with the modified wheel boxes and the large hole in the top of the back). He did that upon his experience with the Go3 in races. The Evo R is one of the really fast and lightweight machines.

I simply cannot afford it. Especially the new version coming out that spring.

Last edited by beate; 02-02-2022 at 03:35 PM..
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