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Old 02-06-2022, 06:39 PM   #30 (permalink)
HPV Tussie
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: Germany
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If there was better visibility through the PET screen of the canopy i would probably mount mirrors in the front part of the canopy, just below the light.

As for attempt 3, i would like to get an idea what to improve. Except of course, the evennes of the surface.

Angles: here You see the skeleton after removal of the cardboard. I am currently glueing a few broken spots - more that i expected on first impression.

Main idea: i leave the space for the headlight free and possibly will add some transparent "strakes" the will reach to the top of the light but willl remain open toward the back.

As You might see here, the top most plate points slightly upward. An aerodynamic disadvantage? Shoul i change this to horizontality of even let it point slightly downward toward the back?

What about the tail angles of the supporting triangles?
The upper one now has 22° toward the central axis, the other angles are close to 15°
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