Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary
This is physics. Not magic. I don't second guess physics. Nothing in the thesis proves that a heavier BEV is more efficient overall.
In fact it states in figure 4.1 that the small BEV uses the least amount of energy per distance.
It also states on page 26 that
This is exactly what I am getting at. The small BEV uses less energy overall. But it seems less efficient in urban driving due to a smaller mass that results in a lower accelerating kinetic energy.
1) Please read #66 ( permalink )
2) Please do all the mathematics, then we'll discuss the results.
3) We'll do the hypotheticals after we have a clear numerical representation of the 2015 thesis quanta.
4) Less energy overall is what most impacts the life-cycle-cost to the consumer and planet.
5) After you have the BSFC-e for the Volvo, you'll be able to numericalize any delta- urban/ ' extra urban' cycle efficiency.
6) Your analysis of the 'penalty' of Inertia Resistance sets the stage for regenerative-braking energy capture contrast. Which I believe you'll find most interesting.