Originally Posted by Concrete
look, there is only one reason nukes are dead in US
Three Mile Island
That's not even really the reason, just a symptom. The reason is a deliberately created false mythology regarding the nature & effects of nuclear radiation. Maybe the best place to see & understand it is in the movies: whenever a '50-60s B-movie producer wanted an excuse for whatever monster his special-effects department dreamed up, there were good old atomic testing & nuclear radiation, ripe for the taking. Want a dinosaur to attack Tokyo? Nuclear testing! How about giant ants in the Nevada desert? Nuclear testing! Creepy kids whose touch kills their parents? Obviously, a leak from the local nuclear plant!
So the public got indoctrinated with these false ideas about the effects of radiation, and thanks to cable television each new generation keeps on getting indoctrinated. Never mind that these fantasies have about as much connection to reality as Peter Pan and the Tooth Fairy, the memes are firmly lodged in the public consciousness.