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Old 03-05-2022, 04:36 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I was being rhetorical. I bought it from folk who'd brought it out of 14 years storage, and I've burned clear premium in it exclusively. It hasn't help the compression on #1, unfortunately.

Quoth DDG:
No-Till Switchgrass Looking Possible › articles › 2744-no-till-switchgrass-looking-possible
Switchgrass is one of the most-often mentioned possibilities. Switchgrass is a warm-season perennial that can potentially produce 1,000 gallons of ethanol per acre, compared to 400 gallons for corn. Whether no-tillers could produce switchgrass to capitalize on the demand for the new fuel crop remains an open question.

Planting Method — Switchgrass › stand-establishment › plantingmethod
No-till establishment of switchgrass may include planting into small grain stubble after graze-out or haying. The small grain should be killed with herbicide to remove competition with the switchgrass seedlings. A herbicide can be applied within a few days of planting switchgrass and should control any weeds, as well as the small grain crop.
IIRC it was Suspicious 0bservers that said climate change is reducing the viability of corn and increasing viability of wheat.
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