Originally Posted by RustyLugNut
What do we do about it? Or should we? Can we even do something about it? Can we . . . ?
There are far more questions about simply stating that the world is warming.
Yes, 500+ page books, by the field scientists doing the research.
And 64-years of peer-reviewed science articles by the experts.
That's where I've been spending my time.
That's hard to reduce into a few soundbites or keystrokes.
As far as what to do, I'll go with spending the soda-pop money, and getting off fossil fuel, while simultaneously beginning to remove GHGs from the atmosphere, back down to 320-ppmv.
Fact: human extinction = 5-C over 1850 temp. Whether we should is in the hands of many.
Yes we can. Off-the-shelf technology. It will be painful for some, halcyon days for others.