Originally Posted by freebeard
The adult decision would be to harden and ruggedize everything everywhere; proof against hot and cold.
Via today's S0, www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-28573-5
The problem is the time lag between the climate's cycles and any political response. As Marshall McLuhan said, we proceed into the future with our eyes on the rear-view mirror.
1) The problem is anthropogenic greenhouse gases causing the warming.
2) The warming resulting in massive pulses of freshwater from the melting poles is what will affect the AMOC in the first place.
3) It's impossible to argue that reducing carbon dioxide would be a 'driver' for an impotent AMOC when it is the causation of its impotency.
4) The adult thing is to 'do the Greta Thunberg,' follow the scientists recommendations.
5) Take the 'haircut' now, and skip 'decapitation' later.