Originally Posted by ksa8907
Such heated debate and energy spent about climate change. It seems people sometimes forget that we don't live forever, earth won't either.
Lowering emissions to keep global temperatures in check is great, but at what cost? It really depends on what the end goal is and I suspect everyone's answer to that question is a little different.
The only thing that matters for our civilization is technological advancement.
1) There's a lot at stake.
2) The very knowledge of our own mortality may be driving many parents to introspect on the legacy of what they'll be handing to their offspring and future generations.
3) Good planets are hard to come by.
4) Without anthropogenic climate change, we were guaranteed many billions of years to address our future.
5) Currently, we're on track to lose habitability in a few hundred years.
6) Some economists estimate that Earth provides $33-trillion a year worth of free services.
7) Seems like we don't want to spend $8.2-trillion over the next 30-years to protect the $990- trillion we'll get for free.
8) That's pretty twisted 'capitalism'. Not what Adam Smith was about.
9) As I learned in basic training: ' It's your world, I just live in it.'