Hope it's not Thunderfoot. He managed to get himself [oopsie] in the mainstream of news.
I'll grant you your rebuttal. I don't think it's case closed or anything. My confirmation bias is to see a shifting margin to the Overton Window.
LOL at the dig at Big Burb. I haven't followed that, too Cummins-centric. Do you think he will put a boat tail on it?
'The line which shows itself to be straight shows also what line is crooked' --David Wooten
According to Goethe's Color Theory, everything has Fresnel.
https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=CkOwvrBzu9I
In this episode, we explore a commonly misunderstood occurrence phenomenon of light interaction to surfaces: Fresnel. EVERYTHING HAS FRESNEL!
Everything has Fresnel - Filmic Worlds
filmicworlds.com › blog › everything-has-fresnel
For some reason, most people tend to want fresnel only on the really shiny surfaces, like water, glass, and metals. But really, fresnel has a strong effect on almost every material. In fact, I would argue that fresnel is more important visually on the less-shiny materials. Here is a piece of PVC pipe. Certainly, PVC has a fresnel.
It all depends on fractal geometry, and how one looks at it. According to Synergetics, straight lines cannot exist.