This Insight was offered as a free parts car with a lost title. I can't resist a free Insight! It was owned by a solar company that used to have a fleet of Insights. This was the last one. They had used it for parts, but very few parts were actually removed. I missed out on another Insight they had recently donated to an NPR station. This one was saved by its missing title. It couldn't be donated without a title.
I drove the 300+ miles from NY to MA, removed the Insight's front bumper cover, installed my custom Insight tow bar on the front bumper beam, and dragged this little Honda home on ancient tires. It had been sitting for about a dozen years, but luckily indoors, so the tires looked OK. I had a full set of extra wheels/tires with me if I needed them.
I got a lot of loose parts with the car. Most parts belonged to it, but were removed and in boxes. In the rear storage bin, under some parts, was a 3-ring binder. It contained some service records and service info. But the best part was finding the signed, but not dated, "lost" title in the binder! Suddenly it's not a parts car! Fuel and tolls added up to almost $150. Still not bad for a rare aluminum car!
ScanGaugeE reported 22 MPG round-trip for the 3.4L V6 5-speed Tacoma. Slightly better MPG with the Insight behind it! Lower speeds while towing probably made the difference, but I can't help wondering if the Insight improved the truck's aerodynamics.