Originally Posted by Blister
So, you're saying you rip water in half with an electrical current, burn up half or all of the parts... and you get more water?
no you get the exact same amount of water.
Doesn't that break some law somewhere in the physical realms? Just endless energy, continually reclaimable from the same source?
No it doesn't beak any rules. You expend some amount of energy to pull apart the water molecules. You then burn the hydrogen and get less energy back than you used to split the the water molecules. No rules of physics or thermal dynamics are violated as you end up with a net loss.
This is why these systems are a scam
Hydrogen is great but you'll never get hydrogen from really burning hydrogen.
Fusion of hydrogen into helium requires several things. First you can't use the hydrogen you get from ordinary water. You need deuterium which is in one form of heavy water. Secondly you need to smash the nuclei together with tremendous force. This can be done by using a particle accelerator or heating it to the temperature of the sun. Neither of these conditions exist in an automobile engine.