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Old 03-10-2022, 11:21 PM   #29 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Piotrsko View Post
Perhaps you were suffering from a stereotypical bias.
AFAIK the stereotypical bias was pointing out a truck as a "compensation" for a small penis. But I see a lot of trucks driven by women, yet I don't remember having ever seen any equivalent stereotype regarding some feature of their bodies when they drive a truck or a traditional body-on-frame SUV. Maybe should Ford now try to sell the Ranger for recently-licensed girls with tiny boobs?

The women of today are not the women of our youth.
Unfortunately, nowadays it's harder to talk about anything with most of the so-called "modern" women. Some are just frustrated about random problems and looking for a way to screw every man around, as if it would compensate their frustrations. Well, I also know some old women who behave in such a destructive way, even in my own family

Autobahnschlieger is an example if her statements are true.
I never talked with her about anything other than cars, motorcycles or any related stuff.

Many TRUCKS here in reno are owned by females, if a hot pink RAM is an indicator, black being #2 with a fuzzy dash cover.
Rio Grande do Sul has a strong tradition with rural influences, so expect to see many trucks owned by females in Porto Alegre. Including some obscure Chinese-made ones registered in Uruguay once in a while. But many women here used to be more favorable to body-on-frame SUVs, even though nowadays most of the SUVs available in Brazil are of the crossover type and so it got a considerable amount of the traditional SUV buyer toward trucks.

Btw does MILF mean something different in your country?
I guess MILF has the same meaning everywhere.
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