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Old 03-11-2022, 09:27 AM   #20 (permalink)
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The Pink 🐘 in the room....

Switchgrass produces about 1,900 liters (500 gal.) per acre.

Hemp can produce up to 6,000 liters (1,900 gal.) per acre.

Hemp also produces about 37 gals. of oil per. acre that can be used as fuel.

Not to mention other by products like animal feed stock, industrial fibers, chemicals and over 5,000 other uses that could be utilized from that one plant.

It grows in marginal soil. Regenerates poor soil back to productive soil.

Can be used in crop rotation to reduce herbicide and pesticide use.

Florida and California could harvest as much as 4 crops per year. Other states could harvest a minimal of two crops per season.

For the greenies.

Roots left in the ground sequester 10% of deadly CO2 🙄. Leaves that fall down that are not used sequester another 30% and add Nutrients back to the soil for a total of 40%.

Even the US government knows hemp is a winner compared to corn.

If it weren’t for corn 🌽 subsidies. Corn would fail. By their own admission.

The reason we use corn is that it is listed as a commodity on the New York exchange.

It is manipulated as needed to empty the pockets of the masses and in turn line the pockets of a few.



Woke means you're a loser....everything woke turns to ****.

Donald J Trump 8/21/21


I’m not a climatologist, aerodynamicist, virologist, physicist, astrodynamicist or marine biologist..


I play one on the internet.

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aerohead (03-11-2022), Ecky (03-13-2022), freebeard (03-11-2022), pgfpro (04-04-2022), Piotrsko (03-11-2022)