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Old 03-11-2022, 02:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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climate & food insecurity
Some issues which food 'producers' are facing:
* Avian cholera ( fulmars,murres, crested auklets
* Bartonella bacterium ( fleas/rodents- human organ damage
* borrelia burgdorferi ( Lyme disease ) black-legged tick, white-tailed deer, white-footed mouse
* Brucella spp. bacteria ( fur, leather, meat )
* crop failure due to pumped-aquifer failure, due to recharge failure, due to megadrought
* crop failure due to dessication
* crop failure due to drought-related irrigation canal failure
* crop failure due to flooding ( extreme rain events )
* crop failure due to fungus ( Pst Yellow rust, wheat , Stem-rust ( wheat ))
* crop failure due to hail (high-precipitation super cells )
* crop failure due to pest infestation ( Spodoptera frugi perda, Fall Armyworm,larvae )
* crop losses due to lack of pollinators
* crop losses due to leaf litter losses
* crop losses due to ocean inundation and soil salination
* crop failure due to photosynthesipause, @ 104-F stomata closure
* crop failure due to river losses ( loss of mountain glaciers )
* crop loss due to soil erosion
* crop losses due to soil microbe losses
* crop failure due to wildfires
* cattle losses due to loss of pasture
* cattle losses due to loss of drinking water
* coral algae expulsion
* coral bleaching
* coral die-off
* Distemper virus ( seals, otter )
* drought instead of rain
* fly strike disease, sheep
* 75% of fruit production threatened ( antioxidants )
* Hantavirus ( rodent feces/urine- nepropathia epidemica hemorrhagic fever ( can be lethal - bank voles ))
* Heliobacter pylori bacteria ( human stomach cancer )
* ice-fishing threatened
* insect hatch timing shift
* lake fishing
* lungworm ( musk oxen )
* non-krill eaters eat krill-eaters
* ocean pH, carbonic acid, acidification extinction of all 'shelled' marine life
* ocean reef overfishing
* Parapoxvirus ( fur, leather, meat )
* Polar bear starve as without sea ice, cannot access ring seal, bearded seal
* rain instead of snow
* river fishing
* sea-ice algae ( beginning of marine food chain ) decline as sea ice declines precipitates krill decline ( 99% of Antarctic lifeforms, Commercial trawlers, pharmaceuticals, Omega-3 dietary supplements, tropical fish food, Alaskan King Crab, Arctic cod, baleen whales, frozen fish-sticks, McDonald's fish sandwich, squid, penguin, seal, humans, farm-raised salmon, Antarctic silverfish ( collapsed ), skuas, crabeater seal, leopard seal, Blue whale, Minke whale , Polar bear )
* shoreline fishing
* snow instead of ice
* tick-borne encephalitis
* Toxoplasma gondi ( beluga whales )
* Typhoid ( poultry )
* warming oceans cyanobacteria displace fish and phytoplankton, block solar depth penetration to deeper-dwelling organisms
* zoonotic diseases: Ebola ( bushmeat ), Nipah Virus ( pigs ) [ fruit bat droppings ]
* In 2021, Russia lost 40% of the wheat harvest, suspended exports, sending food prices through the roof, precipitating the Arab Spring.
* In 2018, El Salvador lost 90% of their coffee crop to leaf rust, something that previously didn't exist there.
* In 2021, the Champagne region of France lost their entire grape harvest, in vineyards operating since 1700.

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Last edited by aerohead; 03-14-2022 at 06:03 PM.. Reason: add data
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