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Old 03-13-2022, 07:09 AM   #8 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Upstate SC
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Aerocivic - '92 Honda Civic CX
Last 3: 70.54 mpg (US)

AerocivicLB - '92 Honda Civic CX
Team Honda
90 day: 55.14 mpg (US)

Camryglide - '20 Toyota Camry hybrid LE
90 day: 65.83 mpg (US)
Thanks: 16
Thanked 677 Times in 302 Posts
What mpg did you get on the trip from Michigan to Kentucky, although the cold, wet, rainy night conditions seen in your photos aren’t optimum for mileage. Use of the headlights alone drops your mileage by 1.5 mpg. Use of Rainex greatly reduces your need to run the windshield wipers with their slight increase in drag and electrical load. If Ecky hasn’t addressed it yet, reinstalling a smooth underpanel is good for 7 mpg. Before doing that, you might consider replacing that section of rubber tubing on the gas line under the gas tank that was installed by the Honda dealership with a more durable brass fitting. Good luck with the car, and with current gas prices, Aerocivic will save you a bundle of money.
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19bonestock88 (03-13-2022), Gasoline Fumes (03-13-2022)