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Old 03-27-2022, 05:17 PM   #2 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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Only 2 legal ways I know of, one is easy the other extraordinarily hard for an individual.

NEV Laws (and the sister LSV/ATV) laws are the only way to semi bypass US crash regulations on “newer” vehicles, you would need proof of speed being limited to 25mph

Older than 25 year old vehicle (you can freely import antiques)

There will be others who will tell you there are other legal ways and they are lying.
There are not reasonable methods of importing directly intact unless the manufacturer crash tested the vehicle and will provide a letter of compliance, only car in this wierd category is the VW LUPO, and the Fed craps its pants if you try to bring in a LUPO despite it passing our local tests due to no letter of conformity from the manufacturer

As for “illegal “ you need to order the vehicle as parts, car half’s are a common way to get a FWD vehicle semi intact.
Then to get registered you likely have to move everything over to a legal vin vehicle (preferably same age and platform) as either home built or a kit car which are legal in specific parts of the country under a patchwork of random local laws.

One vehicle I would like to import is the Japanese Nissan e-power Note due to it sharing a platform in this country.
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