A lot of this litigation aggravates me too, but...
if a company puts a high power line over my family home
I'm getting a lawyer and they will pay to move me safely some other place
It is the American way
but guess what - if that power line is needed - it will go thru because it is worth it
there is a hugh project going on in my state right now
power poles with 15' dia footings drilled +70' down full of steel and concrete
no expense is spared - relocating people is a tiny issue in the scale of these projects
if it makes economic sense it will get done
you are completely right that these alternate energies are not ready for prime time
conventional energy is too cheap here for alternatives to compete
but if I lived in the middle of Europe with little or no natural energy resources
I'd be doing exactly what the Danes & Germans are doing
Making the most of what I had available!
The reason is a deliberately created false mythology regarding the nature & effects of nuclear radiation. Maybe the best place to see & understand it is in the movies: whenever a '50-60s B-movie producer wanted an excuse for whatever monster his special-effects department dreamed up, there were good old atomic testing & nuclear radiation, ripe for the taking.
I strongly disagree
the reality of radiation is much worse than monsters
you cannot see it, tastes it or detect without a mechanical device
it last for tens of thousands of years
it cannot be cleaned up or remediated in any way other than burial & time
and it kills you in horrible ways, often slowly and grotesquely
I would take Godzilla instead of radiation any day