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Old 04-10-2022, 09:03 PM   #4 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Thanks so much for the mention of the d662 kubota, I was aware of the d722 as I've run those in mini skidsteers, but now know of the d622/d782 which all 3 seem pretty similar (18hp ~64kg or 141lb & 16.7"x15.3"x20.4"(H) without fan). Called the super mini series. DOES seem like one of the best power to weight choices, but there are other compact 3cyl out there and I'd like to find more info about any 2cyl around the 20hp range...

I will keep my feelers out for Perkins, but I don't seem see many, especially "newer ones" like the 400 series, at least outside of marine uses, around here.

I would like to learn more about any Yanmars that are in this similar class 13-25hp, 2-3 cyl, compact. A lot of the 3TNxxxx models I'm coming across are running slightly on the larger side.

I'm finding a lot of Carrier reefers some with Kubotas that might work, Thermoking reefers with Yanmars that don't seem easily compatible (1800rpm plate no throttle). One thing about most of the Kubotas & Yanmar, they run upto 3000-3600 rpm , whereas quite a few small diesels don't like to be reved that high... I'm open to Isuzu & Mitsubishi, and others though! I know there are lots of other models of Kubota I should look into, but the 3 cyl super mini models mentioned above do seem like one of the most promising. I would still like to find any more 2cyl diesels that might be worth further looking into. One I've come across locally is the z650/z750 Kubota (50-70kg, 15.6"x17.3"x21.5"(H) and ~14hp). Any 2cylinders in the 16-20hp range that I could look into further, would be greatly appreciated...

And finally I don't actually have a frame picked out yet, "diesel motorcycle" has just always been on my list of life goals and now I have the shop space to it. I would lean towards a 80s-90s "universal japanese motorcycle" of any type if I could make that work without modifying a frame, but anything from a "somewhat more upright" sportsbike or something larger like a honda pacific coast, to a mid-large size dual sport from many brands - could be considered. I see many bikes with blown engine or similar priced cheap- that could be candidates, and I have one large 2-wheeler salvage yard locally I could use as a resource to measure/compare/etc..

Thanks again for the input
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