04-14-2022, 01:41 PM
#10 (permalink)
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This might be Space Weather since it was caused by change in the speed of the Earth's rotation.
Massive earthquake swarm driven by magmatic intrusion at the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
An earthquake swarm affected the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica, a unique rift basin in transition from intra-arc rifting to ocean spreading. The swarm, counting ~85,000 volcano-tectonic earthquakes since August 2020, is located close to the Orca submarine volcano, previously considered inactive. Simultaneously, geodetic data reported up to ~11 cm northwestward displacement over King George Island.
edit: Via SlashDot: news.slashdot.org/story/22/04/13/2319208/melting-ice-caps-may-not-shut-down-ocean-current
Melting Ice Caps May Not Shut Down Ocean Current (phys.org)
Climate scientists count the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (or AMOC) among the biggest tipping points on the way to a planetary climate disaster. The Atlantic Ocean current acts like a conveyor belt carrying warm tropical surface water north and cooler, heavier deeper water south. [...] In a study published [...] in the journal Nature Climate Change, He and Oregon State University paleoclimatologist Peter Clark describe a new model simulation that matches the warmth of the last 10,000 years. And they did it by doing away with the trigger most scientists believe stalls or shuts down the AMOC.
"Without the freshwater coming in making the AMOC slow down in the model, we get a simulation with much better, lasting agreement with the temperature data from the climate record," He says. "The important result is that the AMOC appears to be less sensitive to freshwater forcing than has long been thought, according to both the data and model." [...] The widespread consequences of a drastic weakening of the AMOC include rapid sea-level rise on the eastern coast of North America, cooling over Europe that could disrupt agriculture, a parched Amazon rainforest and disruption of Asian monsoons. The new modeling study anticipates a much smaller reduction in AMOC strength, but that doesn't rule out abrupt change.
So, the Beaufort Gyre may be toothless.
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Last edited by freebeard; 04-14-2022 at 02:03 PM..