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Old 04-16-2022, 10:10 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Drifter View Post
Again, you will burn more gallons of fuel to go the same distance but in doing so you should, in theory, use less oil.

1 gallon of pure gasoline - E0 - has ~115,000 btus
1 gallon of pure ethanol - E100 - has ~76,000 btus
1 gallon of E10 has ~111,000 btus (~3.5% less than gas)
1 gallon of E15 has ~109,000 btus (~5.2% less than gas)

So you should be getting ~5% (not 7% as I said earlier) worse mpg on E15 while, in theory, consuming ~15% less oil.

As Freebeard mentions, it does take considerable energy to produce ethanol (~35,000 btus worth of energy are needed to get ~76,000 btus worth of ethanol) so it isn't a "green" source of energy like the corn industry would like us to believe. But ethanol can be produced 100% domestically so your money stays in America rather than going to hostile leaders like Vladimir Putin, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, etc.

Edit: And to be fair, it takes a lot of energy to produce 1 gallon of gasoline too - especially if the crude oil has to be transported half way around the globe.
my vehicles Say NO to e15-e100 so it does not really matter what you say it will not change the physical components to my vehicles so if the fuel is pouring out of the gas tank means I WILL have to fill it up more there by wasting more oil


NET Oil saved will be negative, pollution will be massive from the hydro carbons leaking into the air so this means using e15 is still debunked

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