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Old 04-21-2022, 12:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Fatal blow to Climate Denial FRONTLINE began a special, three, 90-minute episodes: 'THE POWER OF BIG OIL' on April 19,2022.
Investigators have been pouring over 40-years of Exxon's archives, which reside at the University of Texas, at Austin, Texas.
The documents , plus interviews with actual key participants, willing to be interviewed, cover the history of Exxon's involvement in the Global Warming/ Climate Change, along with Big-Oil, Big-Coal, Big-Trade Associations, Climate Scientists, Media, Big-Propaganda, Useful Idiots, US GOVT dupes, etc..
It's extremely informational.
So far, the bottom line is that, the fossil-fuel industry always knew climate change was real. 'Catastrophic.'
They'd been conducting parallel climate research of their own, and coming to identical conclusions as the mainstream science.
Until James Hansen testified before the US Congress, Summer, 1988, as to the fact that C.C. was 'real' and that we were already 'in it', denial didn't exist.
That changed overnight, as the media made it front-page news.
We've been at war with the 'facts' ever since.
Names are named. Individuals speak for themselves. Documents are fully vetted.
Senator, Chuck Hagel ( R) Nebraska, say he was lied to, and misled by them
As someone from outer space, I find it all darkly fascinating.
If you've been wondering about it all, it's worth a look.
Available online and as podcasts.
Located this transcript of the program

Photobucket album:

Last edited by aerohead; 04-28-2022 at 03:48 PM.. Reason: add link to transcript
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