My laser thermometer says the ground is 10° warmer inside.
I installed the braces and then installed the coroplast on the roof first.
Since I didn't make 16" OC rafters I lined up one sheet with the third and third-to-last rafters, so they hang over about 5.5", and then I installed the middle sheet, hanging over a couple inches on each side.
I tried to trim the overhang in the back, but it was pushing up against the bushes, so I couldn't get in between and use a straightedge.
I did a real hack job.
Whenever I have seen people refer to clear duct tape they referred to simple packaging tape and deserved to be slapped, but apparently it exists, so I will order a roll and use it to seal the roof to the sides, especially in the back--on the inside and the outside!
The roof was difficult. I stood on the back of the garden box, held onto the roof, and reached as far as I could.
I may be 6'2" and have disproportionately-long arms, but reaching 32" up the back of the roof was only marginally possible, but I did lose my balance, and fall into the bushes.
My brother had a good laugh at that.
I also dropped my power tools a couple of times and Dad's old measuring tape into the bushes twice.
I lined up the first sheet for the walls on the middle of the right side of the doorway and around the left side, but since I didn't make 16" OC studs it didn't reach the first stud.
I installed the lower 3 screws and pushed a 2x4 against the side of the corner stud to fold it, but it didn't fold straight.
Of course.
I decided to screw the next board right on the corner, so the two sheets overlapped, and then I folded it around the corner, but I didn't want to try bending it with Dad's old bushes back there, so I temporarily mounted it to the other side, bent the corner, removed it, flipped it around, and mounted it on the far side.
I needed to measure first.
It turns out that the close side is narrower.
What monkey is responsible for that?!
I mounted the third piece on the back corner and then overlapped it with the next and bent it.
I barely fit between the greenhouse and the bushes and they kept scraping me!
Since I overlapped the sheets I ended up with a gap, so I put in a fifth sheet.
I also should have measured before the sheets on the walls. I ended up with a 36.5" gap in the front and a 12.5" gap in the back.
I want an overlap, not a gap!
The leftover from the fifth sheet will cover the last space in the front and another 8".
The sixth sheet will overlap with it, but not on a stud.
Clear duct tape!
If I cut 5" off each side of the roof and 38.5" I can mount that in the front, overlapping 2", screw the rest onto the back, overlapping a couple of inches, and then overlap the leftovers from the roof another couple of inches.
You get clear duct tape and you get clear duct tape and you get clear duct tape!
The longer side is 77".
If I cut the seventh and final piece diagonally 16.5" on one side and 31.5" on the other it should overlap 7", then I just trim the short end.
I messed up a couple of times, but it should still work out!