The coolant temperature seems to running a little lower than normal.
But I'm pretty sure that has to do with the cooler weather we are having in Mass.
Made a short trip to Home Depot (Gorilla tape) on Rt-95 and noticed my MPG weren't
all that great either. So, it might have to do with the cooler weather.
I'm pretty sure my Jumbo Orange ZZ strip isn't hurting my MPG..
I hope to be doing a doing a 200 mile round trip next Sunday on the Mass Pike.
I plan on passing some trucks (if I can find some slow ones) to see if the
stability/handling feels any different as I drive into truck-wakes..
Since my CRV front end isn't really that light, I'm not likely to see
"improved aerodynamic stability". But, you never know until you try.
Got the Gorilla tape today and hope to add some normal size ZZ tape to the mirrors next week.
Current ride: 2014 RAV4 LE AWD (24 MPG)
Wife's Pizza Transporter
Last edited by Xringer; 10-11-2008 at 11:33 PM..
Reason: adding text